Nissin Foods has over 3,500 employees in China and Hong Kong.

Nissin Foods has a diversified portfolio of well-known and highly popular brands, primarily focusing on the premium instant noodles segment, with leading position in Hong Kong and replicate success in China. In addition, we also manufacture and sell high quality frozen food and other food products.

Nissin Foods went public on 11th December 2017 at HK$3.54 per share.

Nissin Foods stock code is 1475.

The fiscal year end is 31 December.

The annual general meeting will usually be held in June every year. Shareholders are welcome to join our annual general meeting and meet with our management.

Investors may contact the Investor Relations Department at ir@nissinfoods.com.hk for any matters related to the finance and stock of the Company.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.

You can download the latest Interim & Annual Reports from “FINANCIAL REPORTS” under “INVESTOR RELATIONS” section. Should you require a printed copy, please send us a request by email to ir@nissinfoods.com.hk.

Nissin Foods shares are traded on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

Our origin can be traced back to 1948 when Mr. Momofuku Ando founded the company (Current Name: Nissin Foods Holdings Company Limited, or “Nissin Japan”, stock code 2897.JP). Mr Momofuku Ando invented the world’s first instant noodles, “Chicken Ramen (雞湯拉麵)”, in 1958. In 1984, Nissin Japan set up our Company as the first presence of business operation in Hong Kong.

You may access to the Key Brands section [here] to know more about our brands and products.

Nissin Foods Holdings Company Limited, whom is one of the largest manufacturers and sellers of instant noodles in the world and listed in Tokyo Stock Exchange, is the controlling shareholder of the Company.

Nissin Foods does not have any bank and other borrowings.